The annual Hood to Coast Relay is coming up this weekend, so we wanted to share some insight. Apex Director of Rehab, Dr. Jaydee Romick, DPT, has participated in the race 4 times and is running again this year. As a fellow runner and stellar doctor of physical therapy, here are her top tips to perform at your best, recover in between legs & decrease injury risk.
1. Nutrition (both Hydration & Food Consumption)
– Start NOW! Your water intake today and the rest of the week plays a part in your hydration for the weekend. Whether it’s the Hood to Coast relay or any event, start your hydration early! Your body is over 65% water. Be sure to feed it what it’s primarily made up of.
– Minimize alcohol leading up to the event. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which is especially a problem leading up to Hood to Coast. It can also linger in your system for up to four days. For best performance, wait until the celebration at the beach to indulge in your favorite beverage.
– Stay away from sugary drinks, including sports drinks & soda. These drinks give your body a short boost that quickly fizzles out. It also teaches your body to crave that substance (sugar) and go crazy until it has it again. Skip the sugar and go straight to liquids that hydrate you and contain nutritional value.
– Feed your body electrolytes. You can find these in drinks like coconut water, but also in foods! Bananas are high in potassium, but did you know an avocado has substantially more?! Combine foods and liquids to refuel your body best throughout the Hood to Coast relay race.
– Make sure you replenish your body within 30 minutes after each run. This is a crucial time to give your body the nutrients it needs to recover, minimize soreness and get ready for the next run.
2. Sleep
– When you’re running, then hopping in a van, trying to cool down, eat & just catch your breath, sleep can be overlooked. Try to take advantage of every moment you get to catch some Zs. Your cells recharge and prepare the body for the next race while you rest.
– Start getting your sleep NOW! Knowing you’ll have minimal sleep this weekend, get a head start and rest up in these remaining days. These final few days of rest will add up leading into the weekend. Make sure you’re well rested and ready to push your body from Hood to Coast.
3. Movement (Warm Up & Cool Down)
– Make sure the blood is flowing before you begin each leg you’re running. A light jog coupled with body weight movements (squats, lunges, calf raises) can go a long way. Set yourself up for success this Hood to Coast relay, and prep the body to go the distance.
– Incorporate a dynamic warm up & avoid static stretching pre-run. Many people hold stretches (ex. toe touch) for too long prior to exercise. This has been shown to decrease performance, the opposite of your intention. Instead, move quickly through stretches with 1-3 second holds, 5-10 times through on each side.
– If you can, incorporate body weight and/or resistance band exercises prior to running. Resistance bands are light and easy to pack. They help activate muscles better than body weight movement, especially those hips and glutes!
– Utilize a foam roller, roller stick or percussion therapy post race to relax muscles and prepare them for the next leg. Even 5 minutes will help calm down muscles, release tension and allow them to recover. You have multiple to legs to run throughout this relay race, make sure you help your body as much as possible!
– Be sure to get a cool down stretch after each leg so you can minimize soreness, tightness & lactic acid accumulation. This is the time where a static stretch can be incorporated.
Have Fun & We Will See You at the Beach!
Incorporate these tips to conquer your Hood to Coast relay race this year. If you’re not running this race, these are great tips for any time you’re going for a run.
Good luck runners – we’ll be ready to celebrate at the beach with you!
P.S. – For everyone running this weekend, head to to get a special gift from Team Apex!