With so many diets, nutritional plans, and health information readily available these days, we want to highlight different approaches taken by our clientele. It can be hard (or very hard) to make a nutritional change. It’s even tougher when you see everyone else on social media making a change and getting awesome results. We’re highlighting a client story in this article, her approach with intermittent fasting, and results achieved.
Measuring Client Success
For the past 2.5 years we have been seeing clients, 1-on-1, for body composition analysis at APEX. We use DEXA Scan body composition as a means to collect data in the most accurate way possible, with limited variability from scan to scan to ensure accurate, repeatable results. This way we can see if an approach via fitness, nutrition, or both, was successful in attaining the results desired. If you’re investing time and money into your health, wouldn’t you want the most accurate possible measurement to track your progress?
We don’t provide nutrition coaching or planning, but we do continue to evaluate fitness, diet and overall health approaches taken by our clientele. Through experimentation with our team here at APEX, as well as the many clients that have come through our doors, we’ve noticed a trend in what works, what doesn’t and what we think is most sustainable over the long run. This is all backed by the data collected for the past 30 months.
![Intermittent Fasting, Intermittent Fast, Fasting, weight loss, weight gain, nutrition, diet, exercise, meal plan, weight loss transformation,](https://apexpwr.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IMG_2360.jpeg)
Anything is Better Than Nothing!
The truth is that anything different from the norm typically yields results – it’s the sustainability factor that comes into play. If someone eats a lot of something, then eats less or none of that ‘thing’, they probably see a good result from eating less of something, which likely was just from a reduction in calories overall.
Caloric restriction: works. Keto: works. Paleo: works. Carnivore: works… the list goes on… but what we have noticed is that those approaches are often inspired by the new year, taking passionate leaps into a new lifestyle that phase out quickly after a few months have gone by.
Find What Works
The one thing we find people sticking to (ourselves at APEX included) consistently over the long haul is Intermittent Fasting (IF). This approach has been found to be extremely effective in losing fat, retaining muscle, decreasing inflammation, improving energy and a lengthy list of other benefits.
Intermittent Fasting, typically in the 16/8 model, is fasting for 16 hours, and “feasting” for 8 hours. We’ve most commonly seen people choose a “feast” window from 12pm – 8pm or 11am – 7pm. When your 8 hour window is hasn’t impacted results, so people pick what’s best for them, usually based on their work schedule. The first reaction from most people is that it will be hard to wait until noon to eat, but then that’s quickly overcome. For others, they skip or eat light breakfast anyway, so starting at noon isn’t much of a problem.
Example of Intermittent Fasting…
For example, waking up, drinking lots of water throughout the morning, and breaking your fast at 12pm (dehydration alone leads to the body feeling more hungry than it really is. Never forget, your body is majority water, fuel it!). Before 12, you may consume your coffee or tea, as long as there aren’t any additives. The point of Intermittent Fasting is that ALL of your calories are consumed during the Feast Window. An Intermittent Fast allows the body a longer period to digest, finish that process, and direct energy to other processes that burn fat, increase energy and reduce inflammation.
The point of an Intermittent Fast
The main point of IF is simple, and makes so much sense it’s almost too good to be true. High insulin levels = fat retention. Low insulin levels = fat loss. Fasting allows the body to bring insulin levels down, accelerating fat (weight) loss. This is also why people favor low carb lifestyles COUPLED with intermittent fasting. It leads to insulin levels staying perpetually lower than normal and weight is lost.
Intermittent Fasting has also shown to improve metabolism. While we haven’t had measurements on this in the past, we’ve now began to track speed of metabolism. We’re excited for more results to share in this area!
A resounding amount of clients (+80%) are utilizing intermittent fasting. Some use it independently. Others pair it with another diet and are absolutely destroying their fat loss goals (in a good way)!
Client Shoutout Who Used Intermittent Fasting
One of our clients was so inspired by the science behind IF, and her own success, she committed the last year of her life to it. She’s created a great resource for those who look to start IF themselves. We would like to highlight her in this post:
Deneen’s Intermittent Fasting Journey:
From a young age, Deneen Tomayko was interested in science, particularly biology and physiology. She received her Masters in Medical Science and became a Physician Assistant in 1998. She’s practiced as a PA in medical specialties including Gynecology, Cardiology, Orthopedics and Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery. Currently she is practicing Urgent Care & Family Medicine. Growing up in a household where beauty and thinness were important, she tried many ways to stay in shape. She resorted to exercising and calorie restriction, both of which were unsustainable. Six years ago, Deneen met a very smart man (a physicist!). He was on a time restricted eating plan, consuming one meal a day. Deneen took notice of his impressively low body fat and overall health, given he was only eating one meal daily. She never thought fasting would be something for her, but her continued research kept bringing it up. 4 years ago, she tried Intermittent Fasting for the first time. Impressed by her own success in getting down to her junior high size, she decided she would like to share this tool and it’s myriad of benefits with the world. From this, the book, Feast. Fast. Flourish. was born.
![Intermittent Fasting, Intermittent Fast, Fasting, weight loss, weight gain, nutrition, diet, exercise, meal plan, weight loss transformation, ebook, diet resource, nutritional guide,](https://apexpwr.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/FeastFastFlourishFINAL.jpg)
Why we LOVE that Deneen created this resource:
- She is a client of ours – thanks for sticking with us to track results!
- Deneen represents a large demographic of the population that comes in to work with us (female, 50’s). She took a huge leap to create this resource for others like her
- She knew that she could help so many people that are watching from behind the scenes who may also be having a hard time taking that first step to improving their health. Way to inspire others, Deneen!
How Can You Take the Next Step?
At the end of the day, it comes down to what is sustainable for you. Do you actually enjoy this plan? Is this the healthy lifestyle you’re looking for? Intermittent Fasting fits well for many who come in, so we feel it is only necessary to spread what we have found to you all!
If you have questions about Intermittent Fasting, or any other approaches, feel free to ask because we see it all!
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