We have performance training options for youth, college and professional athletes, as well as group training for adults! We also have virtual, 1on1 options, as well as a range of online programs available here.
For athletes, we LOVE helping them develop as they continue to grow from middle school, to high school and head off to college. Our group training sessions for athletes focus on strength, explosiveness, mobility, endurance, balance and agility. New in the Fall of 2021, we now offer youth athletes the option to join us on a flexible, weekly membership, so you can come and go as your schedule dictates.
Along with athletes, we’ve also had the opportunity to work with a wide range of people, just like you, in our wellness department and have seen which fitness approaches yield the best results in decreasing fat, increasing muscle mass and improving body composition. This data, information and knowledge is now available for you so you can Champion Your Body – either in person, or online with us! We now offer a FREE WEEK of workouts in person with us! Choose an option below to get started!
Click an icon below to learn more on how we help people Champion Their Body
Whether your company is small or large, sedentary or active, younger or older, we can co-create a custom offering to make an impact on the productivity, health and happiness of your workforce. We love to host companies, divisions & teams within large corporations for any combination of what we offer in our space. We love to provide unique experiences that bring your team together, elevate and bring awareness to health, wellness & fitness – while having FUN!
Don’t let COVID19 slow down your organization’s health & wellness program. We have virtual & online offerings ready for teams of all sizes to stay active, motivated and trending in the right direction.
Reach out to us with the form on the contact page, or give us a call, and let’s co-create the best solution for your organization!


We know life is BUSY! Work things come up, tending to the family, traveling for vacation or business, all adds up. Not to mention, commute times around time, running errands, the list can go on and on. No matter what comes up in life, your fitness cannot take a back seat! Even if it’s a quick 10 minute workout, that’s better than NOTHING and will help keep you on track, moving closer towards those goals.
We designed the APEX365 Workout Guide with you in mind. This digital download comes loaded with more than 20 different workouts, split up between upper, lower and full body. It also features over 100 unique exercises, and options for strength, core or cardio emphasis. What’s best, is it can always be with you, right there on your phone, so you can just get right into your workout when an opportunity presents itself.
Click below to learn more & get your copy!
The APEX365 Workout Guide is in the hands of people from coast to coast in the United States, men, women, old and young. This is perfect for anyone to have handy to get a quality, effective workout in the time they have!
People - just like you - choose APEX PWR as their partner in health, fitness & physical therapy...
Have questions on how the APEX Team can best assist you? Fill out the form below!
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